The Life and Death and Life of Moses
The way Jews celebrate their concluding the Torah testifies to the immortality of Moses.

The Scriptural Stradivarius
A musical metaphor of the sages moves us to ponder the connection between scripture and…

Repentance, Grade Inflation, and Self-Affirmation
The Jewish joining of free will and repentance is the key to the Torah's understanding…

A Covenantal Kaddish at the Wall
A prayer by a boy who survived Buchenwald captures the nature of the Jewish covenant.

The ‘Mind Attic’ of Sherlock Holmes and a Seder in Jerusalem
A famous phrase from Sherlock Holmes provides us with a metaphor for key biblical commandments.

Masada and the Miracle of Methuselah
A tree in the Judean desert embodies a biblical verse about trees like nothing else…

The King and Us
The unique biblical approach to monarchy and the Jewish New Year.

Sun, Moon, and the Jewish New Year
The joining of lunar and solar on the Jewish calendar reveals the complexity of Judaism.

The Survivors’ Tefillin
The preciousness of phylacteries to Jews in a DP camp captures the essence of these…

The Tiny Chosen People
Moses’s discussion of Israel’s size inspires us to ponder the nature of chosenness.