Course Library

The Rabbi’s Bookshelf

The Rabbi’s Bookshelf

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Great lessons can be learned from books of every kind, and in Rabbi Soloveichik’s view, a great many Jewish lessons can be found in works that, on their surface, have…

Jews and the Civil War

Jews and the Civil War

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Journey back in history with Rabbi Dr. Meir Soloveichik in his fascinating exploration of the role of Jews and Jewish ideas in America’s Civil War. As we ponder what it…

Pirkei Avot: The Misunderstood Masterpiece

Pirkei Avot: The Misunderstood Masterpiece

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Traditionally studied each week between Passover and Shavuot, the Mishnaic tractate Avot may be the most beloved work of rabbinic literature; but its purpose and teachings are also often misunderstood.

The Haggadah: A Political Classic

The Haggadah: A Political Classic

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The most widely read, beloved, and perplexing book of the Jewish tradition is the Passover Haggadah. It is also a serious work of Jewish political philosophy. In this audio course,…

The Case for God

The Case for God

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The continued existence of the Jews is a miracle. Jewish history is replete with attempts to eliminate the Jewish people, and along with them the Jewish idea of…

Sacred Time: The Jewish Holidays

Sacred Time: The Jewish Holidays

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The rhythm of the Jewish year is defined by the holidays. The month of Ellul is one of introspection and repentance because Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are near; Nissan…

Jewish Ideas and the American Founders

Jewish Ideas and the American Founders

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Join Rabbi Dr. Meir Soloveichik as he shows you how, from national symbolism to functional governance, Jewish ideas were at the very heart of the American founding. In a series…