The Best Revenge
Get back at the Nazis by living Jewishly.

Menachem Begin’s Covenantal Zionism
What Begin’s 1972 elegy for the diaspora reveals about a worldview unique among Israel’s founders.

Sermons in Solitude: Jews of Faith are Never Alone
COVID-19 may have kept Jews apart, but they’re never alone.

A Tribute to Mosaic’s Founding Editor
Meir Soloveichik reflects on Neal Kozodoy and his accomplishments.

What We Need to Remember
What Natan Sharansky understands about Israel that Bernie Sanders doesn’t.

Queen Esther, a Hero for Our Time
Esther is about Jewish vulnerability. So why all the joy on Purim?…

Hath Not a Jew Costumes?
What Esther understood about Jewish identity that Shakespeare didn’t.

What the Bible Taught Lincoln About America
How Lincoln became the theologian of liberty.

The Mysteries of the Sh’ma
The most powerful sentence in Judaism is also the most misunderstood.

True Friends in a Time of Crisis
Yes, anti-Semitism really is about the Jews.