Episode 53 The Levites and the Third Army

A speech by General George Patton echoes the obligations of the Levites.
Rabbi Soloveichik’s yearlong “Ten-Minute Mitzvah” podcast is generously sponsored by Ivan and Suzana Kaufman.
A speech by General George Patton echoes the obligations of the Levites.
Rabbi Soloveichik’s yearlong “Ten-Minute Mitzvah” podcast is generously sponsored by Ivan and Suzana Kaufman.
The laws of kingship, including the prohibition of a king owning too many horses, serve to remind the monarch of why being a Jewish king is different.
Judaism's insistence on examining witnesses illuminates a disconnect between it and the West.
Judaism and Western liberal society look at self-fulfillment very differently. The prohibition against adding aspects to mitzvot helps us understand why.
Jewish law insists on detail—the same sort of detail that led to Pluto losing its status as a planet.
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