Playing the Beatles' song "Imagine" at President Carter's funeral is a reminder of the tragedy…

Don Pacifico Trump
A great Victorian-era statesman, defending the rights of a Jewish subject of Britain, can teach…

America’s Words and Amsterdam’s Example
The riot in Amsterdam is a warning of the sort of ugliness that could emerge…

The Unexpected Psalm of Thanksgiving
After a modern missile attack, Israelis turned to ancient wisdom in the Book of Psalms.

Tucker Screwtape
Evil is furthered by many, including those who foster hatred and lies without raising their…

Hamilton’s Hallmark
The university hall that was ransacked by an anti-Semitic mob was named for a founding…

Patton’s Poem and the Jews
A poem by General George S. Patton is an encapsulation of what it means to…

The Japanese Abraham
An extraordinary autobiography by a Japanese Jew is out of print today, but his story deserves to…

Do Cry for Me, Argentina
How the president of Argentina captured, in a single moment, what the Western Wall is…

The 23rd Song
How a song composed in the midst of war embodies the endurance of Jewish faith.