The Unfolding of Religious Liberty in America: Rabbi Soloveichik at the Becket Fund Gala
Rabbi Soloveichik delivered the keynote address at the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty's annual Canterbury…
Hamilton’s Hallmark
The university hall that was ransacked by an anti-Semitic mob was named for a founding…
Patton’s Poem and the Jews
A poem by General George S. Patton is an encapsulation of what it means to…
The Setting of the Sundown Kid
Joe Lieberman kept the Sabbath holy and won admirers across sectarian lines.
25 Years Later, We’re All Trapped in ‘The Matrix’
The 1999 sci-fi classic predicted a world like the one we now live in, where…
What Jews Mean to America, with Rabbi Meir Soloveichik and Jay Nordlinger
Rabbi Soloveichik sits down with NR senior editor Jay Nordlinger to discuss his tentpole essay,…
The Deeper Meaning of “Washington Crossing the Delaware”
The iconic painting by Emanuel Leutze is often criticized today for being historically inaccurate and…
The Jewish Story Is the American Story
As the words of George Washington so artfully expressed, there is a deep and lasting…
Psalms Have They, But They Know Not
How the Book of Psalms can be a source of hope when things look bleak.
George Washington’s Jewish Letters and the Creation of a Constitutional Republic
Rabbi Soloveichik gives a special Constitution Day address at Stanford University about the first president's…