Patton’s Poem and the Jews
A poem by General George S. Patton is an encapsulation of what it means to…
The Setting of the Sundown Kid
Joe Lieberman kept the Sabbath holy and won admirers across sectarian lines.
What Jews Mean to America, with Rabbi Meir Soloveichik and Jay Nordlinger
Rabbi Soloveichik sits down with NR senior editor Jay Nordlinger to discuss his tentpole essay,…
The Japanese Abraham
An extraordinary autobiography by a Japanese Jew is out of print today, but his story deserves to…
Do Cry for Me, Argentina
How the president of Argentina captured, in a single moment, what the Western Wall is…
The Undying People
Meet the Italian Catholic priest who saved seven Jews by hiding them for nine months…
Rabbi Soloveichik’s Favorite Books from 2023
What were Rabbi Soloveichik's two favorite books from this past year?…
The Jewish Story Is the American Story
As the words of George Washington so artfully expressed, there is a deep and lasting…
Scalia’s Prophecy
A prescient speech by the late Supreme Court Justice should serve as a warning for…
One Nation, One Family
A new book helps us understand why, in a moment of terrible trial, the genius…